tight >> tʌɪt
Definition: [adjective] fixed, fastened, or closed firmly; hard to move, undo, or open.
Example: she twisted her handkerchief into a tight knot
Definition: [adjective] (of a rope, fabric, or surface) stretched so as to leave no slack; not loose.
Example: the drawcord pulls tight
Definition: [adjective] (of an area or space) having or allowing little room for manoeuvre.
Example: a tight parking spot
Definition: [adjective] (of a formation or group) closely or densely packed together.
Example: he levered the bishop out from a tight knot of clerical wives
Definition: [adjective] (of a game or contest) with evenly matched competitors; very close.
Example: he won in a tight finish
Definition: [adjective] not willing to spend or give much money; mean.
Example: he is tight with his money
Definition: [adjective] drunk.
Example: he got tight on brandy
Definition: [adverb] very firmly, closely, or tensely.
Example: he went downstairs, holding tight to the bannisters