receive >> /rəˈsiv/
Definition: [transitive verb] Be given, presented with, or paid (something)
Example: she received her prize from the manager
Definition: [transitive verb] Suffer, experience, or be subject to (specified treatment)
Example: the event received wide press coverage
Definition: [transitive verb] Greet or welcome (a visitor) formally.
Example: representatives of the club will be received by the Mayor
Definition: [transitive verb] Form (an idea or impression) as a result of perception or experience.
Example: the impression she received was one of unhurried leisure
Definition: [transitive verb] Detect or pick up (broadcast signals)
Example: Turkish television began to be received in Tashkent
Definition: [transitive verb] Serve as a receptacle for.
Example: the basin that receives your blood
Definition: [transitive verb] (in tennis and similar games) be the player to whom the server serves (the ball).
Example: In also receiving the ball, a tennis player, in order to return the ball effectively, must ascertain the type of spin which has been imparted to the ball so as to be able to compensate in the return stroke for the spin or rotation of the ball in flight during trajectory.
Definition: [transitive verb] (in Christian services) eat or drink (the Eucharistic bread or wine)
Example: he received Communion and left