
Hyphenation for “hook”

Showing how to split the syllables of “hook”.

What is the correct hyphenation for “hook”? The purpose of hyphenation is to separate a word such as "hook" because otherwise it would be too long and would no longer fit on one line. This separation not only saves space it improves the visually flow of the text. This word separation exists in most languages. In English, the word separation of “hook” is based on the speech syllables. The separating syllable in linguistics is therefore the smallest group of sounds in the natural flow of speech. As a separator, the classic hyphen is usually used: „hook“ ⟶ „hook“.

Hyphens are occasionally used to denote syllabification, as in syl-la-bi-fi-ca-tion. Various British and North American dictionaries use an interpunct, sometimes called a "middle dot" or "hyphenation point", for this purpose, as in syl·la·bi·fi·ca·tion. This allows the hyphen to be reserved only for places where a hard hyphen is intended (for example, self-con·scious, un·self-con·scious, long-stand·ing). Similarly, hyphens may be used to indicate how a word is being or should be spelled. For example, W-O-R-D spells "word".

Definitions of "hook"

hook >> hʊk

Definition: [noun] a piece of metal or other hard material curved or bent back at an angle, for catching hold of or hanging things on.
Example: a picture hook

Synonyms of "hook"

peg | holder | fastener | fastening | catch | clasp | hasp | clip | pin | buckle | hook and eye | fibula |

Definition: [noun] a thing designed to catch people's attention.
Example: companies are looking for a sales hook

Synonyms of "hook"

Definition: [noun] a curved cutting instrument, especially as used for reaping or shearing.

Synonyms of "hook"

billhook | scythe | sickle |

Definition: [noun] a short swinging punch made with the elbow bent and rigid, especially in boxing.
Example: a perfectly timed right hook to the chin

Synonyms of "hook"

punch | blow | hit | box | cuff | thump | smack | crack | knock | thwack | skelp | belt | bop | biff | sock | clout | whack | wallop | plug | slug | whop | slosh | dot | boff | dong |

Definition: [noun] a curved stroke in handwriting.

Synonyms of "hook"

Definition: [noun] a curved promontory or sand spit.

Synonyms of "hook"

Definition: [verb] attach or fasten with a hook or hooks.
Example: the truck had a red lamp hooked to its tailgate

Synonyms of "hook"

attach | fix | hitch | fasten | secure | clasp | hasp | grapple |

Definition: [verb] catch with a hook.
Example: he hooked a 24 lb pike

Synonyms of "hook"

catch | take | land | net | bag | snare | ensnare | trap | entrap |

Definition: [verb] attract and hold the attention of; captivate.
Example: I was hooked by John's radical zeal

Synonyms of "hook"

Definition: [verb] hit (the ball) round to the on side with a horizontal or slightly upward swing of the bat at shoulder height; hit a ball delivered by (the bowler) with such a stroke.

Synonyms of "hook"

Definition: [verb] secure (the ball) and pass it backwards with the foot in the scrum.

Synonyms of "hook"

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