couch >> /kaʊtʃ/
Definition: [transitive verb] Express (something) in language of a specified style.
Example: many false claims are couched in scientific jargon
Definition: [transitive verb] Lie down.
Definition: [transitive verb] Lower (a spear) to the position for attack.
Definition: [transitive verb] Treat (a cataract) by pushing the lens of the eye downward and backward, out of line with the pupil.
Example: cataracts, when simple, are to be couched
Definition: [transitive verb] (in embroidery) fix (a thread) to a fabric by stitching it down flat with another thread.
Example: gold and silver threads couched by hand
Definition: [noun] A long upholstered piece of furniture for several people to sit on.
Example: I sat in an armchair and they sat on the couch