
Hyphenation for “blind”

Showing how to split the syllables of “blind”.

What is the correct hyphenation for “blind”? The purpose of hyphenation is to separate a word such as "blind" because otherwise it would be too long and would no longer fit on one line. This separation not only saves space it improves the visually flow of the text. This word separation exists in most languages. In English, the word separation of “blind” is based on the speech syllables. The separating syllable in linguistics is therefore the smallest group of sounds in the natural flow of speech. As a separator, the classic hyphen is usually used: „blind“ ⟶ „blind“.

Hyphens are occasionally used to denote syllabification, as in syl-la-bi-fi-ca-tion. Various British and North American dictionaries use an interpunct, sometimes called a "middle dot" or "hyphenation point", for this purpose, as in syl·la·bi·fi·ca·tion. This allows the hyphen to be reserved only for places where a hard hyphen is intended (for example, self-con·scious, un·self-con·scious, long-stand·ing). Similarly, hyphens may be used to indicate how a word is being or should be spelled. For example, W-O-R-D spells "word".

Definitions of "blind"

blind >> /blaɪnd/

Definition: [noun] People who are unable to see.
Example: guide dogs for the blind

Definition: [noun] A screen for a window, especially one on a roller or made of slats.
Example: she pulled down the blinds

Synonyms of "blind"

screen | shade | louvre | awning | canopy | sunshade | curtain | shutter | cover | covering | protection |

Definition: [noun] Something designed to conceal one's real intentions.
Example: he phoned again from his own home: that was just a blind for his wife

Synonyms of "blind"

deception | camouflage | screen | smokescreen | front | facade | cover | disguise | cloak | pretext | masquerade | mask | feint |

Definition: [noun] A heavy drinking bout.

Synonyms of "blind"

drinking bout | debauch |

Definition: [noun] A legitimate business concealing a criminal enterprise.
Example: The third time he wins, and afterward uses a big-town barber shop as a blind for his elaborate gambling house.

Definition: [adjective] Unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition.
Example: a blind man with a stick

Synonyms of "blind"

visually impaired | unsighted | sightless | visionless | unseeing | stone blind | eyeless |

Definition: [adjective] Lacking perception, awareness, or discernment.
Example: she was blind to the realities of her position

Synonyms of "blind"

imperceptive | unperceptive | slow | obtuse | stupid | uncomprehending | unimaginative | insensitive | thick-skinned | bovine | stolid | unintelligent |

Definition: [adjective] (of a corner or bend in a road) impossible to see around.
Example: two trucks collided on a blind curve in the road

Definition: [adjective] (used in emphatic expressions) not the slightest.

Definition: [adjective] (of a plant) without buds, eyes, or terminal flowers.
Example: planting too shallowly is the most common cause of bulbs coming up blind

Definition: [adjective] Drunk.

Definition: [transitive verb] Cause (someone) to be unable to see, permanently or temporarily.
Example: the injury temporarily blinded him

Synonyms of "blind"

make blind | deprive of sight | deprive of vision | render unsighted | render sightless | put someone's eyes out | gouge someone's eyes out |

Definition: [transitive verb] Deprive (someone) of understanding, judgment, or perception.
Example: somehow Clare and I were blinded to the truth

Synonyms of "blind"

deprive of understanding | deprive of perception | deprive of judgement | deprive of reason | deprive of sense |

Definition: [adverb] Without being able to see clearly.
Example: he was the first pilot in history to fly blind

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